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Ambassador Dr Gina Ancora

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OngoingDevelopment of a SELFIE (SELF Italian Evaluation on standards) tool, with the final goal to implement the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH).Italy
2024Organisation of a one-day course for facilitators on the implementation of the ESCNH by the SIN Task Force, under the patronage of Vivere ONLUS and EFCNI.Italy
October 2023Presentation at the annual conference of the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) on behalf of the SIN Task Force: “Implementation of the ESCNH: The SIN project”.Naples, Italy
June 2023Second digital implementation workshop of the ESCNH: Exchange of Italian and Portuguese partners to strengthen national implementation strategies in neonatal care. Presentation as lead of the Italian implementation Task Force of the ESCNH, focusing on the development of an implementation study in 12 pilot hospitals. Online
March 20236th Chair Committee Meeting of the ESCNH: Presentation as a guest speaker focusing on the implementation of the ESCNH in Italy and the development of a self-assessment tool for Italian hospitals.Freising, Germany
November 2022First digital implementation workshop of the ESCNH: Presentation of past and upcoming implementation activities through the Italian implementation Task Force of the ESCNH.Online
June 2022Announcement of the new Italian implementation Task Force of the ESCNH through a press release, interviews and the distribution of news within more than ten print and online newspapers.Italy
May 2022Establishment of a TASK FORCE within the SIN to ensure the maximum chance of survival and quality of life for preterm babies through the dissemination and application of the ESCNH in all Italian NICUs.Italy
September 2021Recipient of the jENS Award of 2021 together with Monica Ceccatelli, in recognition of the collaborative efforts of SIN and Vivere ONLUS, the Italian National Coordination of Parents’ Associations, to translate and implement the ESCNH.Online
2021Coordination of the translation of the ESCNH into Italian, supported by SIN and Vivere ONLUS. Distribution of the Italian ESCNH version in book format to every NICU across Italy.Italy

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr Ancora for her remarkable leadership of the Italian implementation Task Force and advancing the newborn health standards in Italy. Making the ESCNH accessible for all healthcare professionals in the national language marks a significant milestone, reflecting Dr Ancora’s ability to bring people across disciplines together and drive them forward.