Results of the public consultation phase 2023

/ News

We are delighted to announce that the public consultation of 76 standards, which are currently under expert revision, was successful. In total, we received 318 questionnaires of more than 50 participants across Europe and beyond (21 countries in total). The standards with the greatest number of respondents were “Clinical consultation and supervision for healthcare professionals on supporting families” and “Very early and continuous skin-to-skin contact”, both part of the topic Infant- and family-centred developmental care, with 9 responses each.



What’s next?

The first authors of the standards (and their author team) will now receive the comments of the public consultation. Additionally, feedback from our independent reviewers as part of our simultaneous expert consultation will be added to the comments of the public consultation. After the authors have revised the standards, all comments of the public consultation will be published on this website for reasons of transparency. Please note that respondents could request that their contribution would not be published, when stating ample justification. In accordance with our privacy policy, names are displayed only if approved by the respondents.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to all participants and to our partners and supporters for promoting as well as joining the public consultation. We are very grateful to draw on such a strong and active network.