
11 months – 11 topics: Video interview on Birth and transfer

2017-03-31 / News

Professor Umberto Simeoni, Director of the Division of Pediatrics at CHUV University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, refers to his work as “an extremely enriching human experience every day”. He and Dr Dietmar Schlembach, Chairman of the EFCNI Trustee Board and Head of the Clinic of Obstetrics at Vivantes Klinikum Berlin-Neukölln, Germany, form the Chair Team […]

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11 months – 11 topics: Video interviews

2017-03-06 / News

Within the new edition of 11 months – 11 topics, we started a video series with interviews with the Chairs of the eleven Topics Expert Groups of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health project. Every month, we will launch a new video clip. In February, we started with an interview on Data collection […]

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“11 months – 11 topics” continues in 2017 with a new look

2017-01-18 / News

After the positive feedback on 11 months – 11 topics, we decided to continue this communication motto also in 2017. For the eleven months from February to December 2017, we will again focus our social media and online communication on one newborn health topic per month. As you may know, the eleven topics were selected so […]

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Interview on infant- and family-centred developmentally supportive care

2016-11-25 / News

The Topic Expert Group on Infant- and family-centred developmentally supportive care works on topics such as the physical environment (e.g., supportive sensory environment), the human environment (e.g., parental involvement in the care of their infant), and systems aspects such as couplet care. This month, we asked Dr Björn Westrup and Professor Pierre Kuhn, the Chair Team of […]

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Interview on education and training

2016-09-23 / News

Lifelong learning in the field of neonatology is a key for safing lifes. This month, we asked Professor Linda Johnston, Canada and Dr Agnes van den Hoogen, two of the Chair Team of the Topic Expert Group on Education and training of the multidisciplinary team working in neonatology, some questions on important issues in the […]

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Project factsheet online

2016-08-08 / News

The European Standards of Care for Newborn Health project at a glance: We’re happy to present you our new factsheet. It includes reader-friendly information on the scope and structure of the project, a brief project description, motivation & aim, and its supporting organisations. Download the factsheet at

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First project conference contribution

2016-03-14 / News

Professor Linda Johnston and Dr Agnes van den Hoogen submitted the first conference contribution on the work of the Topic Expert Group on Education and training of the multidisciplinary team working in neonatology to the Council of International Neonatal Nurses – COINN 2016 taking place in Vancouver, Canada on 14 – 17 August 2016. Find […]

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3rd Chair Committee meeting in Berlin

2016-03-11 / News

Following the 2nd Chair Committee meeting in Eching in June 2015, we are looking forward to the 3rd Chair Committee meeting on 11 – 12 April 2016 in Berlin. During the two day meeting, the Chair Teams of the project’s Topic Expert Groups, the EFCNI Parent Advisory and Executive Board members, and observers of the projects premium industry partners […]

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