
A TASK FORCE within the Italian Society of Neonatology to improve PRESENT AND FUTURE HEALTH OF BABIES AND their PARENTS

2022-07-28 / News

A guest article by Dr Gina Ancora and Dr Roberta Arena Viola is born too early, after only 6 months of gestation. She suddenly left the warm and protective environment of her mother’s uterus. She is not ready for the external environment, but she has courage and strength to spare. In May 2022, the Italian […]

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ESCNH information brochure is now available in Portuguese

2022-05-26 / News

We are happy to announce that the information brochure about the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH) is now also available in Portuguese. Translating the brochure to Portuguese is an essential step to further promoting the implementation the ESCNH across Portugal. EFCNI would like to sincerely thank Dr Carmen Carvalho, Dr Eurico Gaspar, […]

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Welcome aboard – Announcing new Chair Committee members

2022-01-26 / News

  We are very delighted to formally announce that the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH) can now draw on the expertise of four new Chair Committee members. Dr Marina Cuttini, PhD, from Italy, is the new co-chair for the Topic Expert Group (TEG) Ethical decision-making & palliative care. Dr Marije Hogeveen, PhD, […]

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A new milestone in implementation: Italian ESCNH now available in every NICU

2021-10-27 / News

  Italy has achieved what many other countries strive for – they have not only translated the entire set of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH) as first European country, the team of the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) have also distributed the Italian ESCNH version in book format to every NICU […]

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Lifecycle 2021: Results of the public consultation phase

2021-10-27 / News

  We are pleased to announce that the first public consultation of the 20 standards that are currently under revision was a great success. In total, we received 252 complete questionnaires of more than 60 participants across Europe and beyond. Respondents of 24 countries took part in the consultation with most feedback coming from the […]

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“Don’t cancel the appointment before you have a Plan B”

2021-05-25 / News

The COVID-19 pandemic has been raging across the globe for more than a year now. Healthcare systems have been brought to the brink and, as a consequence, maternal and newborn health services have been disrupted in many countries as hospitals were forced to reallocate their resources elsewhere and take measures to protect staff and patients […]

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Update of the European requirements for training in neonatology: Alignment with standard in education & training

2021-05-21 / News

The European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – UEMS) recently adopted an update of the UEMS 2021.18 European Training Requirements in Neonatology (ETR Neonatology). The ETR Neonatology update was led by a committee consisting of neonatal experts and members of the European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR) who were individually appointed by the […]

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Keeping the umbilical cord intact – now also in preterm births

2021-03-30 / News

Proper care during and after birth is an important health issue concerning both mother and baby, especially so in cases of preterm birth. Babies born too soon often require direct medical support after birth. Sometimes, they do not start to breathe on their own right away. However, lack of oxygen during those first few minutes […]

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