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Campaign: 11 Months – 11 Topics (2019)

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With the campaign “11 Months – 11 Topics”, launched in 2016, EFCNI’s social media and online communication focuses from February to December on one newborn health standard topic. They correspond to the eleven main subjects of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health. Every month,  the corresponding topic is explained by sharing related publications, news, interviews or guest articles.

The intention of “11 Months – 11 Topics” is to reach out explicitly to health professionals and policy makers, but also to lay persons who are to benefit from the dissemination of the standards in the long run, namely the preterm babies and their parents, relatives, and friends. With this campaign, extensive information and best practice examples are shared in order to raise awareness of the need for standards.

Every year there have been different repetitive components, which were supplemented by up-to-date information, e.g. research articles.

Here you find an overview of the topics which are featured monthly:

In 2019, the campaign entered its 4th year. It provided new features like an overview on the ESCNH topics, whole sets of ESCNH for download as well as selected standards in brief. Focusing on the monthly topic, e.g. “Birth & transfer”, we highlighted one of the newly released ESCNH in this field. In the “standard in brief”, you find the most important details like the benefits, key components, practical steps, target groups, and much more simply at a glance.

The following articles and features have been published:

Data collection and documentation (February)

Birth & transfer (March)

Follow-up & continuing care (April)

NICU design (May)

Medical care & clinical practice (June)

Ethical decision making & palliative care (July)

Nutrition (August)

Education & training (September)

Patient safety & hygiene practice (October)

Infant- & family-centred developmental care (November)

Care Procedures (December)

The information provided in the campaign of the next years is available here: