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Infant- & family-centred developmental care

Chair Team

The Chair Team are Professor Pierre Kuhn, France, and Associate Professor Anna Axelin, Finland.

We thank our former Chair Dr Björn Westrup, Sweden for his valuable contributions.


Members of the Topic Expert Group are:

  • Dr Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth, Finland
  • Natascia Bertoncelli, Italy
  • Dr Nils Bergman, Sweden
  • Prof Zack Boukydis, Hungary (†)
  • Sylvia Caballero, Spain
  • Dr Charlotte Casper, France
  • Mandy Daly, Ireland
  • George Damhuis, The Netherlands
  • Dr Manuela Filippa, Italy
  • Paula Guerra, Portugal
  • Prof Petra Hüppi, Switzerland
  • Dr Kai König, Switzerland
  • Birgitte Lenes-Ekeberg, Norway
  • Siri Lilliesköld, Sweden
  • Dr Rosario Montirosso, Italy
  • Dr Carmen Pallás Alonso, Spain
  • Dr Milica Rankovic-Janevski, Serbia
  • Prof Jacques Sizun, France
  • Dr Kari Slinning, Norway
  • Dr Inga Warren, UK