2022-11-08 / News
EFCNI’s chairwoman Silke Mader and our Senior Medical Director Professor Luc Zimmermann had the great pleasure of chairing an ESPR session exploring the role of standards regarding the improvement and assessment of outcomes in neonatal care at the EAPS Congress in Barcelona.
Isabel Geiger, EFCNI’s project manager for the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (ESCNH), opened the session with a presentation outlining the lifecycle and revision process of existing standards and elaborating how the six new standards came into being.
“Thanks to our active collaboration with a variety of experts in the field of peri- and neonatology, we are not only able to keep our existing standards up-to-date and respond to changes in clinical practices or guidelines, we also receive valuable input on areas that are currently underreported”, says Isabel Geiger.
Professor Christoph Härtel (University Hospital Würzburg, Germany) and Professor Dieter Wolke (University of Warwick, UK) contributed to the well-attended session with their intriguing talks on holistic approaches to discharge management for an improved transition from hospital to home, and the importance of follow-up standards in adulthood and childhood. We were particularly pleased about the numerous feedback from the audience and the lively discussion because that is what such encounters at congresses and conferences thrive on – the exchange of experiences, open and thought-provoking questions, and direct feedback. The take-home message from this session was that standards cannot and should not be set in stone and must move with medical and societal developments to help patients and health professionals achieve the best possible outcomes.
(FLTR) Prof. Luc Zimmermann, Isabel Geiger, Silke Mader, Prof. Dieter Wolke, Prof. Christoph Härtel
Learn more about our newly launched standards: European Standards of Care for Newborn Health progressing – EFCNI – European Standards of Care for Newborn Health (newborn-health-standards.org)
All about the lifecycle and revision process of standards: https://newborn-health-standards.org/about/lifecycle/