2023-03-17 / News
Thanks to the initiative of EFCNI’s partner parent organisation in Slovakia, malíček, the standards on NICU Design have been successfully translated into Slovakian. Malíček coordinated the undertaking, which relied solely on volunteers. The Slovakian Association of Neonatal Nurses supports the endeavour. MUDr. Jana Balážiková, Mgr. Katarína Bartóková, Mgr. Mária Nosáľová Grežďová, and Marianna Šuljová formed the translation team which worked to translate the three individual standards which comprise the topic of NICU Design.
The translation makes the standards accessible to a wider audience in Slovakia and contributes to an important national conversation on how NICUs should be designed and built to further neonatal health. Currently, there are plans to build a new hospital in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, and several hospitals within the country will be renovated and modernised with the help of EU funding. Malíček is advocating strongly for the consideration of the standards on NICU Design during the planning processes of these building projects.
We applaud malíček and their team for the effort and work put into the translation project. You can access the Slovakian standards here and via this website.
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