Lifelong learning in the field of neonatology is a key for safing lifes. This month, we asked Professor Linda Johnston, Canada and Dr Agnes van den Hoogen, two of the Chair Team of the Topic Expert Group on Education and training of the multidisciplinary team working in neonatology, some questions on important issues in the field.

EFCNI: What would you say are the most important topics in the field of Education and training?
They are all important but possibly the most important topics relate to evidence-based practice and interprofessional education and care.


EFCNI: Why are they so important?
When health care professionals base their clinical practice on evidence, babies and their families receive consistent, high quality care and have better outcomes. The teams caring for babies and their families are multidisciplinary in nature and specific training in how to work as a member of a multidisciplinary team has been show to improve not only the care, but the overall satisfaction of a family with the care they receive.


EFCNI: What are the major challenges in Education an training in Europe?
The major challenges are related to the currently diverse levels of educational preparation that nurses and midwives have in Europe, and the lack of access to a consistent approach to specialist training programs in neonatal care. A further challenge however, will be the implementation of, and compliance with, these standards.


EFCNI: How would you wish the field to develop? What is your wish for the future of the field of Education and training?
The standards being developed will be an important guide for policy makers, regulators and education providers. The goal is that babies and their families in Europe will consistently, and sustainably, receive evidence-based care, delivered by a multidisciplinary team who have received high-quality specialist education and training. With care delivery across Europe based on those principles we can be confident babies and their families will have improved outcomes and lead happy and healthy lives.